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Paul C., M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon
XYZ Third Avenue, Ste. 3D
New York, New York 10007
July 11, 2001

G&B, Attorneys at Law
550 Old Country Road
Hicksville, NY 11801
Attn: Mr.G, Esq.

Patient: Saul Rosenberg
Claim #: 123456-(1)
DOA: 12-5-98

At your request, the patient was examined today at my XYZ Third Avenue, New York, New York office for the purposes of an Independent Medical Examination. Mr. Rosenberg presented with valid photo identification. My report is as follows:


According to the patient, he was a passenger, not wearing his seat belt, when he was involved in an automobile accident with a bus. He states that the vehicle he was in was struck in the front driver's side. He denies a loss of consciousness, fractures or lacerations. Following the accident, he went by ambulance to Lenox Hill Hospital where he was evaluated, given x-rays and released that day.

Subsequently, he went to XYZ Orthopedics for treatment of neck pain, lower back pain and left leg pain. He began physical therapy three times per week. He reports that the treatment was not helping and he stopped receiving the treatment about 3 months ago.

He states that he has not been re-hospitalized for any injuries related to this accident. He reports he has not treated with any other doctors.


The patient reports that he has present complaints of pain associated with his lower back.


He denies any previous serious conditions or surgery. He also denies any prior motor vehicle accidents or injuries. He takes no medication other than Advil for headaches not associated with this accident.


At the time of this accident, the patient claims to have worked in sales part-time. He returned to work initially, and is now retired. He states he spends most of his time gardening, reading and relaxing at home with his family.


Physical Examination:

Age: 65, Height: 5'10'', Weight: 180lbs., Eyes: Green, Hair: Black, right hand dominant male.

On physical exam today, I found the patient to be alert, cooperative and well oriented to person, place and time. His communication skills, recent and remote memory, insight and judgment, affect and mood are well within normal limits. He is able to follow commands and cooperate with the examination. My objective findings as related to his injuries are as follows:

Cervical Spine:

Examination of the cervical spine reveals a normal lordosis. The cervical paraspinal region was palpated using light touch and no paraspinal muscle spasm was noted. Cervical compression testing is negative. Valsava's maneuver is negative. Range of motion testing of the cervical spine revealed: flexion to 45 degrees (45 degrees normal), extension to 45 degrees (45 degrees normal), right rotation to 70 degrees (70 degrees normal), left rotation 70 degrees (70 degrees normal), right lateral flexion to 45 degrees (45 degrees normal), left lateral flexion to 45 degrees (45 degrees normal).

Neurological examination reveals muscle strength graded at 5/5 in the biceps, triceps, wrist flexors and extensors bilaterally 5/5 normal). Deep tendon brachioradialis, biceps and triceps reflexes are present and active bilaterally at 2+ (2+ normal). Grasping power is firm in both hands. There is normal proprioception and vibration sensation with no sensory deficit on light tough and pinprick. There is no radiation of pain and paresthesia.

Lumbar Spine:

The lordotic curve is normal. There are no spasms or tenderness noted over the paraspinal musculature on palpation. Sitting Laseague testing is negative to 80 degrees. Straight leg raising is negative to 75 degrees in both the seated and spine positions. Hoover, Trendelenburg, Milgram, Patrick and Valsava testing are all negative. Range of motion of the lumbar spine reveals forward flexion to 90 degrees (90degrees), extension to 30 degrees (30degrees normal), right lateral flexion to 45 degrees (45 degrees normal), and left lateral flexion to 45 degrees (45 degrees normal).

Lower Extremities:

There is no atrophy noted in the muscles of the lower extremities. Muscle strength is graded +5 bilaterally. Proprioception and vibration sensation are normal with no sensory deficit on light touch and pinprick. Femoral nerve stress test of hip abduction and extension provokes no pain. Patrick's test is negative. Knee flexion and active leg raising are performed without difficulty.


- Bill of Particulars was reviewed.
- Ambulance Report dated 12-5-98.
- X-rays taken at Lenox Hill Hospital of the cervical spine taken on 12-5-98 were reviewed. Straightening and degenerative changes with narrowing at C5-6, otherwise, normal study.
- X-rays of the lumbar spine taken on 12-5-98 were reviewed. Normal study.
- Treatment notes dated 12-98 through 5-99 from XYZ Orthopedics were reviewed.
- A Narrative report dated 3-7-99 from Dr. B.


Resolved sprain/strain of the cervical spine.

Resolved Sprain/strain of the lumbar spine.


The patient has no disability. He has since retired from his employment in sales and is certainly able to continue his activities of daily living without restriction. There is no permanency and no need for treatment or testing as a result of this accident. There is no need for medication.

If I can provide any further assistance in the future, please feel free to contact my office.

The above-captioned claimant was examined in accordance with the restrictive rules concerning an Independent Medical Examination. It is therefore understood that no doctor-patient relationship exists or is implied by this examination.

I, Paul C., being a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgeons, am duly licensed to practice medicine in the State of New York pursuant to CPLR, section 210.6 and hereby affirm under the penalties of perjury the foregoing is true to the best of my knowledge except as to those matters stated on information and belief, and as to those matters I believe to be true.

Yours truly,

(Ink Signature)

Paul C., M.D.


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