To see FAQs specifically for Independent Medical Evaluations, read on, or to see General Expert Witness FAQs, click here to jump down.
FAQs for Independent Medical Evaluations
- What sets JurisSolutions apart from other IME companies?
- How do I request an Independent Medical Examination?
- Do you have Physicians who perform Independent Medical Exams Nationwide?
- How do you screen your Independent Medical Evaluation physicians?
- Who notifies Plaintiff’s counsel of the Independent Medical Examination?
- How soon will you schedule the IME after I make the request?
- What about testimony? Are your doctors available to testify concerning the Independent Medical Exam if my case reaches trail?
- Where are you located?
- Do you conduct seminars?
- Can I request certain physicians to be used for my IMEs?
- What sets JurisSolutions apart from other IME companies?
JurisSolutions, Inc. was founded by licensed NY State attorneys who have years of litigation and expert witness experience and who understand the dynamics of the parties involved in litigation and the complexities presented during the IME process and in IME reports. Except in NYS Workers' Compensation, every case is supervised, and each report is proofed by an attorney. This level of service provided to our clients is second to none, and each reviewed report reflects our professionalism, experience and knowledge. We also provide much more than IME services, including scientific and technical experts in any specialty across the nation. Furthermore, we are the only IME company with a nationally recognized website that actually lets you search our database of experts, provides articles and info., including current daily legal news, lets you perform medical-legal research, sells useful products, and provides so much more. More information on Independent Medial Examinations or return to our home page
- How do I request an Independent Medical Exam?
There are a few ways to request an IME to be scheduled through JurisSolutions. Online referrals will get electronically submitted to us instantly, or you can fax, call or mail in your request. If you need our preprinted IME referrals, please click here and let us know your address to mail them to you. Click here to request an Independent Medical Evaluation online right now. (TOP)
- Do you have IME Physicians Nationwide?
Yes, we have over 3,000 medical experts in our expert database located in every state and beyond. We schedule IMEs with Board-Certified, Licensed, Practicing Physicians in any specialty or sub-specialty in all 50 states, US territories, and other countries. (TOP)
- How do you screen your Independent Medical Evaluation physicians?
We check Board Certification with the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), Licensure with the particular State’s Department of Health or Education, and standing with the Office of Professional Medical Conduct. CV’s, copies of license registration certificates and proof of insurance are kept in our files for each of our experts. (TOP)
- Who notifies Plaintiff’s counsel of the medical examination?
All correspondence with plaintiff’s counsel concerning the IME is handled through our offices. We will select a mutually agreed upon time and place, advise counsel’s office by telephone and fax and mail the IME appointment letter. As our client, you will also receive a copy of the appointment letter for your files. Special contact requests such as email, or certified US mail can be arranged. (TOP)
- How soon will you schedule the IME after I make the request?
We will begin scheduling the IME as soon as we receive your request. If you require special dates and times, we will accommodate each specific need. In most instances, Liability IMEs will be scheduled 3 weeks from the time your request is made. No-Fault and Worker’s Compensation IMEs will be scheduled for 10-14 days, unless other standing instructions are provided. One or two days prior to the appointment, a telephone call is made to plaintiff’s attorney confirming the appointment. (TOP)
- What about testimony? Are your doctors available to testify if my case reaches trail?
We are experts at providing experts. The majority of our IMEs are for Liability cases where there is a good likelihood that it could reach trial. Therefore, we notify the physicians of the type of IME prior to scheduling the IME and request their testifying fees for the future. Our office will stay involved in your case up to trial and coordinate with our physician’s schedules for trial and deposition. (TOP)
- Where are you located?
Our offices are at: 33 Queens Street, Ste. 201, Syosset, NY 11791, but our physicians and experts are located throughout the country and beyond. (TOP)
- Do you conduct seminars?
Yes. We are happy to arrange for speakers in different specialties to do presentations at your firm or company and we will invite you to seminars conducted in auditoriums that can accommodate groups. If you are interested in getting on our email list, please click here. (TOP)
- Can I request certain physicians to be used for my IMEs?
Many of our physicians are available in our online database, which can be searched by going to our search page. Also, if you are partial to certain physicians that we have not worked with, we will recruit, credential, and add them to our panel on request.(TOP)
General Expert Witness FAQs
- What is JurisSolutions?
- How can I retain a Scientific/Technical Expert?
- What are your fees?
- How can I retain a Medical Expert for my Medical Malpractice case and what are your fees?
- Do you specialize in plaintiff or defense cases?
- How many experts do you have?
- How can I search for an expert?
- How do you differ from other from other expert witness referral companies?
- I am an expert, how can I join JurisSolutions?
- How can I be more proactive in JurisSolutions?
- What is JurisSolutions?
We are a superior nationwide Expert Witness and Independent Medical Evaluation consulting firm with thousands of qualified Medical, Scientific and Technical Experts available to give their expert opinion and testify on your behalf. We accept expert requests for IMEs, expert testimony, and reviews for merit, damage calculations, loss of earnings, assessments, opinions, etc. and CVs are provided at no charge. Click for more info on IME Services or Scientific and Technical Expert Witness Services. We further specialize in Medical Malpractice Cases and our dedicated staff will search for and provide MedMal experts with special attention to the complexities of your case. Click for more specific information and our fees on Medical Malpractice Cases.
Our other services include a searchable online expert database, which provides free access to over 4,000 experts and experienced expert witnesses in all 50 states and beyond. Our website also offers articles and information, current legal news, a medical-legal research section, and links of interest. (TOP OF SECTION) (TOP OF PAGE)
- How can I retain a Scientific/Technical Expert?
You can email your request by clicking here, or call us at 516-93-JURIS (516-935-8747) or toll free at 1-877-935-8750 Monday-Friday during the hours of 8:00 am to 6:00 pm EST and explain the details of your case and we will find you the right expert. If you are looking for a scientific or technical expert, we will fax you the CVs of qualified experts for you to peruse at no charge. We will quickly find the expert you need and give personal attention to your case. (TOP OF SECTION) (TOP OF PAGE)
- What are your fees for Scientific/Technical Experts?
In most instances, the experts pay our referral fee, not you. And, in most instances, the experts billing will be negotiated and handled between you and your expert directly without interference or padding of bills by our office. Unlike other expert witness referral companies, we tend to stay away from the billing issues so as not to interfere with the credibility of the services we provide. Our service is to put you and our expert in touch with each other. Any subsequent business arrangements are free to be negotiated between client and expert. For more information on our terms, please click here. (TOP OF SECTION) (TOP OF PAGE)
- How can I retain a Medical Expert for my Medical Malpractice (medmal) case and what are your fees?
Medical Malpractice cases require the type of expert who must be willing to stand by his/her findings even though it may differ from one of their peers. A balance must be struck between an attorney’s “wish-list” of desired characteristics for their expert and the number of medical experts who are willing to take on this role. Our staff will find you the right experts for your malpractice case. At the time of request, a one-time fee, usually a retainer of $450, is required per specialty. Usually within hours, you will receive 1-2 medical expert’s CVs we feel fit your criteria and the issues of your case. If you agree, we will then refund $100 in consideration for less time spent on our part fulfilling your case specifications. However, if you would like to view more expert’s CVs, we will forward up to a total of 5 CVs or more, depending on your case. We feel a balance is thus struck between the highly specialized professional services we provide for our experts and your desire to find a qualified expert with ideal characteristics. Please go to our medical malpractice section for more specific explanation on fees. (TOP OF SECTION) (TOP OF PAGE)
- Do you specialize in plaintiff or defense cases?
We specialize in providing expert witnesses and maintain an honest, independent, and unbiased approach toward expert witness consulting. Whether the case calls for an expert who represents the plaintiff or defense in the matter, we are concerned with finding and matching the attorney or insurance professional with the right expert and will stop at no ends to achieve this goal. (TOP OF SECTION) (TOP OF PAGE)
- How many experts do you have?
Our online database currently has over 4,000 experts, with our in office database containing thousands more qualified experts in every specialty and subspecialty across the country. We have a vast network of contacts and resources to quickly provide for any request. Our office maintains files on each expert complete with their CVs, licenses where required, and other pertinent data, which can be faxed at your request. You can also use our website to search for those experts with online profiles.(TOP OF SECTION) (TOP OF PAGE)
- How can I search for an expert?
Go to the Search section of our site where you can search for a medical, scientific or technical expert by specialty or name. If your results return a partial profile, you can then contact our offices to get in touch with the expert. If your results return a full profile of one of our “member experts,” feel free to contact the expert directly through his email address, telephone, fax or by regular mail. Be sure to tell them you saw their info on JurisSolution’s website. (TOP OF SECTION) (TOP OF PAGE)
- How do you differ from other expert witness referral companies?
JurisSolutions offers clients expert consulting services quickly and with personal legal attention. Instead of a static online list of more specialties than actual experts, we offer thousands of actual results, plus the ability to call us directly to have us locate and retain the expert you need right now. In addition to personal expert referral services, JurisSolutions’ nationally recognized website offers a host of other services that are informational, educational and specially created for the expert witness/litigation community. It also offers users the ability to search for their own experts without the necessity for involvement on our part. The online database is searched upon everyday furthering direct business-to-business contact between attorneys, experts, and litigation support service people. (TOP OF SECTION) (TOP OF PAGE)
- How can I join JurisSolutions?
If you are an expert or you know of an expert who would like to do more expert consulting, you can contact us for more information. (TOP OF SECTION) (TOP OF PAGE)
- How can I be more proactive in JurisSolutions?
If you offer a related service, you can submit your site to be linked with ours. If you would like to submit original articles or other information of interest to the medical-legal community, please either mail, fax or email them to us. (TOP OF SECTION) (TOP OF PAGE)
If you still have questions after reading these FAQs, and the About Us, please feel free to call us directly to see what we can do for you. Contact Us