
Schedule a CoVid-19 Test Now

During this unprecedented crisis Juris Solutions' Employment Division
has moved to the vanguard of remain-at-work, return-to-work initiatives.
We are already actively involved in employment testing for over 50 NYC
agencies covering thousands of NY workers, and our programs
are ensuring essential businesses, and those employers who will soon transition
back thousands of NY workers, have them safely screened.
Click Here to set up Coronavirus Antibody testing for
your current
essential, or future returning employees.

We offer Rapid Covid-19 on-site testing for Schools, Agencies,
Municipalities, and Private Businesses.
All testing can be put through insurance for anyone ahead of time and
we can offer to coordinate on site testing at a public or private business.

In conjunction with the NYC Mayor's Office, and in accord with City, State, and
Federal calls for private testing, Juris has utilized its network of physicians and
locations to establish fixed and mobile COVID-19 testing centers to expedite the
safe continuance of essential workers and return of the rest of the workforce that
is so vital to our public health and getting our economy back up and running.

We are ensuring exempted entities continue to operate in a safe manner
by offering periodic and continuous antibody testing / screenings.
This includes ongoing and project-based initiatives, such as the recent screening
of 3000+ cruise ship passengers overseen by one of our Physicians.
Our employment testing gives peace of mind in uncertain times to those essential
workforces on the forefront of sustaining us during this unprecedented event.
Should you be in need of our services, join the NYC Mayor’s office, the

Department of Corrections, and other essential governmental agencies and
private employers in being proactive in protecting public health and keeping the
workforce safe by implementing our programs.
Schedule a CoVid-19 test now
If you are an essential business, or when you are ready to have remote
employees return, be sure to do so safely and in accord with State and Federal
guidelines and protocols which Juris Solutions is helping to develop.
Contact us now to set up a physician-monitored program

designed to keep us all safe and get back to normalcy as soon as prudence allows.
Until then, be educated, safe, considerate and patient.

Schedule a CoVid-19 Test Now

A- Negative stained 2019-nCoV particles.
B- 2019-nCoV particles in human airway epithelial cells. (arrow heads indicate
virus particles, arrows indicate occlusion bodies formed by virus, triangles
indicate cilia.)

Schedule a CoVid-19 Test Now

Superior Independent Medical Evaluation, or IME, services are available to
save you valuable time, money, and resources. Specializing in full-service,
professional IME services nationwide, with personal legal attention on each case.
More Info on Independent Medical Exams,  Request an IME online right now
Cost effective Occupational / Employment Services are available such as:
Diagnostic Testing, (including MRIs, X-Rays, CT Scans, EMGs, PET Scans,
and more), Drug Testing, FCEs, and Fit for Duty and Return to work exams.
We can immediately provide Expert Witness CVs, or credentials, of qualified
precredentialed experts in any specialty or geographic area nationwide. These
expert referrals for expert testimony, reviews for merit, damages calculations,
assessments, opinions, etc. are provided at no charge. More on Scientific &
Technical Expert Witness Referrals
Our dedicated staff will also provide Medical Malpractice or MedMal experts
with special attention to the complexities of your case. Details on Medical
Malpractice referrals

Our Searchable Expert Database provides free access to over 6,000 experts
and experienced expert witnesses in all 50 states and beyond.
Search our Expert Directory Now
Click to Browse articles, current legal news, information, and links of interest to experts, expert witnesses, and the legal and insurance industries.
* * * * NEW * * * *
Our site has been improved with many new areas and features, including:
New higher security SSL encryption to ensure HIPAA compliance,
A new look for our expanded Independent Medical Examination section,
A new Expert section - the expert you need is a phone call away,
